About Us

The About Us page of your shop is vital because it’s where users go when first trying to determine a level of trust. Since trust is such an important part of selling online, it’s a good idea to give people a fair amount information about yourself and your shop. Here are a few things you should touch on:

  • Who you are
  • Why you sell the items you sell
  • Where you are located
  • How long you have been in business
  • How long you have been running your online shop
  • Who are the people on your team

To edit this information you can go to the Blogs & Pages Tab of the administration menu.

Welcome to Snapback land!

I'm going to recommend the hottest and newest snapbacks that our out on the streets.

Every week ill pick a favourite which I will post a picture of and a link where you can cop(buy) it at.

So enjoy the snapback collections!
